The primary goal of therapeutic services is to reduce or
ameliorate behavioral health symptoms.
Psychiatric Services. Our psychiatrist conducts the initial evaluation of the patient’s diagnosis, level of functioning and need for psychotropic medications. The psychiatrist provides prescriptions, and ongoing medical monitoring related to the patient’s use of psychotropic medication. Our Medical Director is Jeffrey Tilkin, MD., Director of Psychiatry at Swedish Hospital.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment. We partner with Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center that builds an individualized treatment experience that is available to anyone in need regardless of their economic status. We also have relationships with other Substance use providers in the Chicago Metropolitan area such as Heartland Alliance, Gateway Foundation and Woman’s Treatment Center. We make referrals as needed and/or requested by our clients.
Psychiatric Hospitalization. Most of our programs are designed to prevent, divert, or to rapidly support client’s placement into least restrictive environments as quickly as possible. In the event a client needs psychiatric hospitalization staff facilitate admissions to the hospital of the client’s choice or to Swedish Covenant Hospital which is the closest psychiatric hospital to our center.
Crisis Intervention. This includes the short-term delivery of interventions that may be provided prior to, or without, an established IATP, in direct response to a client who, during treatment or intervention, appears to need immediate intensive intervention to achieve crisis symptom reduction, stabilization, and risk mediation. Crisis Intervention includes specific crisis intervention, de-escalation, and response techniques. The goal is to restore the client to optimal functioning to avoid hospitalization or placement in a higher level of care.
Therapy/Counseling. This includes a variety of treatment modalities and clinical techniques, with an emphasis on evidence-informed practices. Our integrative approach promotes positive pro-social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, or psychological changes with the client.
Community Support. This includes the facilitation of illness self-management techniques, identification and use of natural supports, development of functional, interpersonal, and community-based coping skills, and other clinically informed efforts to support the recovery of the client. Additionally, Community Support includes efforts to increase targeted strengths or reduce targeted needs, as identified in the client’s IATP.
Medication Monitoring. This includes observation, evaluation and discussion of target symptoms, responses, and adverse effects of medications by our psychiatrist and nursing staff. Additionally, the service provides for the review and explanation of laboratory results to clients and provider activities to investigate and identify new target symptoms from medications, such as performing screens for tardive dyskinesia.
Medication Training. This includes a provider training client on self-administration and safeguarding (adverse reactions, storage, etc.) of medication and communication with other professionals, family or caregivers on medication usage, potential issues, and means to actively seek assistance in the event of an issue or emergency.
Client-Centered Consultation Case Management (CM). This includes client-specific professional communications among provider staff or between provider staff and staff of other providers who are involved with service provision to the client. Professional communications include offering or obtaining a professional opinion regarding the individual's current functioning level or improving the client's functioning level, discussing the client's progress in treatment, adjusting the client's current treatment, or addressing the client's need for additional or alternative mental health services.
Mental Health Case Management. This includes assessment, planning, coordination, and advocacy services for clients who need multiple services and require assistance in gaining access to and in using behavioral health, physical health, social, vocational, educational, housing, public income entitlements and other community services to assist the client in the community.
Transition, Linkage and Aftercare Case Management. This is inclusive of efforts to assist in the effective transition in living arrangements, consistent with the client's welfare and development. This includes discharge from institutional settings, transition to adult services (transition age), and assisting the client or the client's family or caretaker with the transition.
Crisis Stabilization. Includes observing the client in their natural environment during periods of high stress, providing coaching to the client in the usage of their crisis safety plan; modeling positive coping skills and response patterns to the client’s parent/caregiver; redirecting a client’s behaviors when they begin to escalate; educating the client on responding and reducing environmental stressors and stimuli when the client is feeling overwhelmed, providing crisis de-escalation, and providing a crisis response in the event the client experiences a behavioral health crisis. Crisis Stabilization Services target periods of high stress and transition with the goal of reducing crisis episodes and institutionalizations.
Community Support Team (CST). The service of CST is provided under the direction of a full-time QMHP and is available to the client 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary team approach the service is intended to decrease institutional and behavioral health crisis episodes while increasing community functioning to achieve rehabilitative, resiliency and recovery goals.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT). This is an evidenced based practice with a nationally normed fidelity model utilizing a multi-disciplinary team approach to service delivery. The team is comprised of a psychiatrist, nurse, Team Leader, social workers, therapists, CADC counselors, and peer mentors. The service array encompasses the integration of crisis intervention, treatment services and rehabilitative support focused on skill building and stabilization to promote and maintain community living. ACT services are available to the Client 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and are provided by a multidisciplinary team.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR). The service of PSR is provided under the direction of a full-time QMHP who engages in direct provision of services, and includes cognitive behavioral interventions, development of problem-solving skills, interventions to reduce or ameliorate symptoms of a co-occurring disorder and other interventions provided through individual and group sessions delivered on-site via organized programming and active treatment. The focus of treatment interventions includes capacity building to facilitate stability, adaptation, problem solving, coping skills, and independent living when age appropriate. PSR services are provided daily offering curriculum-based groups to promote the client’s recovery and independence.
Individual Placement and Support (IPS). This is an evidenced-based practice model of Supported Employment. IPS is proven through research to be the most effective approach to helping individuals with mental illness to attain and maintain competitive employment within the community.
Outpatient Clinic. The clinic provides a wide range of mental health services that include outpatient individual and group counseling, psychiatric evaluation with medication monitoring, case management services, and care coordination.
Nursing Services. Our program provides appointment management for clients to their primary care providers, psychiatry, vision, women’s health, podiatry, and dental clinics. The nurses also provide psychotropic medication injections under the supervision of the psychiatrist.
To take advantage of our services, call our intake coordinator at 773-506-3161.