Members and volunteers buddy biking

Day Programs

Envision Unlimited offers Day and Employment programs at seven Chicago-area locations. Day Programs offer people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) the opportunity to engage in their community, develop support groups outside of the family, as well as provide an environment to cultivate personal interests and vocational skills.

Our centers frequently have evening and weekend events in addition to standard service hours. Our goal is to offer a variety of programming to build capacity in our program participants with an emphasis on social impact and community inclusion.

For more information, please email Linda Vero, Admissions Coordinator, at

“I love my program and it loves me back.”

—Nader S., Day Center participant


Group of men sitting on a blanket that's placed on the sand and painting

Creative Enterprise

From a Chicago Park District after school program to a juried gallery exhibit, from a chilly spring morning at the raised flower beds to a sunny farmer’s market loaded with fresh product, Envision program participants and our community partners are engaging in experiences designed to stimulate the senses and provide a depth of experience unlike any other.

Close up photo to a red polo shirt and employee "Family Dollar" badge that reads "Marvin"

Employment Services

Envision Unlimited offers Day and Employment programs at seven Chicago-area locations. Employment Services place our clients in positive, team work environments where they’re given the opportunity to develop their collaboration skills as well as develop a true sense of pride and self-confidence.

members skiing

Adventures Unlimited

Adventures Unlimited is a free state-funded respite program in the state of Illinois that offers engaging programming and events to engage participants with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and provides respite to caregivers.

Team photo with each player wearing a bright yellow had and royal blue t-shirt

Team Sports

Athletes in our sports program focus on team building and reaching their personal goals. Our focus is on building social skills, improving the health and well-being of athletes, fostering team relationships, and building athletes' confidence and sense of self worth.