Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) are residential programs designed to provide a natural family-like setting for eight or fewer individuals. People with varying degrees of disabilities participate in this program. Its focus is on the inclusion of individuals into their communities. People in this program may receive continuous staff supports; the level of staff support may decrease as the residents grow more accustomed to living independently in the community. For more information on community living options at Envision, contact Kharece Dean at 773-372-2334 or kdean@envisionunlimited.org
Envision Unlimited’s 24-Hour CILAs provide our members with the opportunity to live in a home with other individuals with I/DD across Chicagoland. These settings allow members to live in and be a part of their own communities. Although it is officially known as "Community Living," the people we support know it as "home."
Today, Envision Unlimited manages 40 CILA homes throughout the Chicagoland area. Typically CILA homes are occupied by 8 or fewer housemates with staff support available 24 hours a day.
Intermittent CILAs are considered a residential alternative for people who typically can live in their own homes with less than 24 hour support. In essence, a smaller number of people live together (usually one or two, but no more than three adults) in homes they either own or lease. Some people live with family members. These settings put more emphasis on individual choice and empowerment. Supports are provided according to the person's level of need.
Host Family
The Host Family Program enables adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) to live in the community in a private home with a family. This model is similar to foster care in which a family owns or rents a home and contracts with Envision Unlimited to provide housing and support in their home. No more than two individuals with I/DD and a total of six persons may live in the home. Envision Unlimited provides host families with. If you are interested in learning more about the program, you may contact Latonia Everett at 773-569-5159 or LEverett@envisionunlimited.org.
Short-Term Stabilization Homes
Envision Unlimited operates two CILA homes in the southern suburbs of Chicago that are Short Term Stabilization Homes (SSH). This program serves people with behavioral challenges that have not been able to be stabilized, despite interventions to support them in their community. People in SSH are typically in the home for no longer than 90 days. Referrals to the home come to Envision Unlimited directly from the Illinois Department of Human Services. Direct referrals cannot be accommodated. Potential participants would be identified typically from the Individual Service Coordination agency in the person's geographic area, in collaboration with staff from IDHS.