Family at the beach

Intact Family Services

The Envision Unlimited Intact Family Services program aims to preserve family unity and promoting the well-being of children within their biological families. We focus on early intervention and continuous support to help families meet the needs of its children. Services are provided for all children and adults in the family’s household.

Envision Unlimited Intact Family Services provides aid to families located throughout Chicago and in many suburbs, such as Oak Forest, LaGrange Park, Palos Hill, Arlington Heights, Des Plaines, Glendale Heights, and Sauk Village.

The families we serve are referred to us by DCFS, Illinois’ Department of Children and Family Services.

What we offer

After a family is enrolled in our program, a caseworker helps a family develop a short-term, agreed upon plan to make the changes that will help keep the family’s children safe.

Based on a family's needs, the caseworker will refer them to services, which may include:
•    Domestic violence support
•    Anger management programs
•    Individual or family therapy
•    Substance abuse services

The caseworker is responsible for ensuring the family is not only referred but also attends and participates in these services. Services provided will help families make the specific changes that will help them establish safety and stability.

What your family can expect while enrolled in the Envision Unlimited Intact Family Services program

A caseworker from Envision Unlimited Intact Family Services and a DCFS investigator will meet with your family to provide your family with a detailed description of the assistance Intact Family Services can provide. The specific needs and required services for your family will be identified and discussed. With your family, a written services plan will be developed outlining your goals and the ways to work on achieving them together.

Initially, the caseworker will visit your family weekly until the needed services are in place. This frequent contact helps to stabilize the situation and build rapport with your family. Once services are established and the family is actively participating, the caseworker will visit every two weeks to monitor progress, provide support, and ensure the services are effective.

The caseworker stays actively involved with your family for approximately 6 to 9 months. During this period, the caseworker will provide ongoing support, resources, and monitoring to help the family stabilize and meet the needs of its children.
Once risk is reduced and children can be cared for safely at home, your family and caseworker can discuss closing your family service case.

Ultimately, how long your family works with Envision Unlimited Intact Family Services will depend on you and your family. While in the program, your family’s needs, strengths, progress, safety and risks will be continuously evaluated to determine the length of time your service case needs to be open.

Families voluntarily enrolled in the program can withdraw from the program at any time, but court intervention could occur if children remain unsafe or at continued risk. If your case is referred to us through the court system, the court will determine the length of time your service case needs to remain open.

Benefits to participating in Envision Unlimited Intact Family Services program
Ensuring the safety of your children.
Becoming a part of a team.
Making connections to ongoing services.
Working on building self-reliance and family strengths.
Creating lasting, positive change.