Envision More: tandem biking at Big Marsh

ENVISION MORE for people with disabilities

ENVISION MORE is a year-long campaign to support the crucial work of Envision Unlimited.

We value all people with disabilities, their life goals, and their inclusion and belonging in everyday life. And we know that everyone benefits when we recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that people with disabilities bring to our lives.

As we pursue our mission of providing quality services that promote choice, independence and inclusion, we Envision More for our members.

More ways to thrive – through art-making, by exploring the natural world, through recovery from addiction, by learning to cook... More choices – among places to live, people to meet, what color to paint your bedroom wall, who gets to ride on the back of your adaptive bike... More independence, more inclusion, more joy, more LIFE.  

To make MORE possible, we’ve launched this year-long fundraising campaign with a whole range of ways for folks to contribute and get involved.

How would you like to make MORE happen for our member*?

Maybe you'd like to give a one-time contribution. That would be great. Bring it on!

Perhaps you like the idea of giving a little at a time. If so, join our Monthly Patrons Program. It allows you to give small recurring monthly donations that fit your budget. Sounds good?

Maybe you’d like to join the EnVisionaries Giving Society. Donors giving $2,500 or more during a calendar year are invited to exclusive events and afforded other unique opportunities. Intrigued?

Consider brighten the holiday for a child (or two) in our specialized foster care program by purchasing a gift card (or two) or coat for them. Please order from our Foster Care Wish List and have gifts delivered on a weekday by December 12. Gifts will be given directly to our children at a party on December 14.

Support Envision Unlimited artists AND get your holiday shopping done by purchasing art by an Envision Unlimited artists.

No matter the size of your gift, know that 
you are making MORE happen for 
Envision Unlimited members and clients.

Thank you for making more possible.