We are excited to have Whitney Rosier named Art Director for Envision Unlimited Community Day Services.
Whitney has been with Envision Unlimited for almost 5 years. She started as a QIDP (Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional) program coordinator at Rose Center and transitioned to program director a year later. She previously worked at Anixter Center as an art therapist for four years, where she worked closely with Hannah Lowe, now director at Westtown Center, then music therapist.
In her personal art practice, Whitney does a lot of hand quilting at home and hand-built ceramics out of GnarWare Workshop ceramic studio in Pilsen.
When asked what she aims to accomplish in her new role, she replied…
I have always been inspired by the sustainable artwork that the Envision artists make from recycled materials and I hope to continue the rich crafting and textile programming that Envision has cultivated.
I aim to continue to develop community engagement and inclusion with Envision artists volunteering as teaching artists at local organizations such as libraries and park districts. This not only supports job readiness skills but reminds others that our members can support and give back to their communities and that we don’t always have to be on the receiving end of volunteering. Many Envision members self-report that they feel happy and have a sense of accomplishment when they volunteer.
I hope to re-energize the ceramic studio program since we are so fortunate to have working kilns at Westtown Center and Lewandowski Family Center.
For those artists that are interested in developing their professional art skills, I plan on focusing on portfolio development and assisting in finding opportunities for exhibitions, craft markets, and sales.
I want to give as many artists as possible at Envision Unlimited community day centers the opportunity to express themselves creatively through art.
Additionally, I want to get Envision artists out to museums, galleries, community art exhibits, etc. Artists get inspired and have more opportunities by experiencing and engaging in the art world all around them, and the standard is the same for our artists.
To congratulate Whitney on her new position or offer an idea, she can be reached at wrosier@envisionunlimited.org.