During the COVID-19 pandemic, DSPs have been instrumental in supporting members in staying connected to their larger communities, families, and friends. Although the pandemic has prevented in-person connections, DSPs have found ways to maintain a sense of community and ensure our member's needs are safely met. DSPs have helped setup zoom calls with members families to help them stay in touch.
Envision has moved community day programming into the home to help keep members engaged and learning. DSPs have coordinated Skype, Zoom and other remote meetings so the members can continue to pursue their interests and stay connected to their day programs. Technology has also allowed DSPs to support members during telehealth appointments with medical providers.
Many DSPs continue to go above and beyond to make sure members can remain home under the shelter-in-place, while still getting access to food and medication. The Intermittent CILA staff began picking up groceries, medications, and visiting members in their homes several times a week to ensure they had access to essential items and personal protective equipment. Host family staff did the same, as well as provided additional respite services to families as needed.
Members and staff are still adjusting to our new “normal” in Community Living Programs, but DSPs remain committed to keeping our members safe and maintaining community connections.
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